maandag 19 december 2011

Comments zijn 4 keer meer waard dan likes

Shares are very important in driving more exposure to your content. Sometimes asking your users to Share a Post can be enough to help the content spread further. More elaborate techniques will include creating “Sharable” content. Current popular objects that are being Shared are funny and/or entertaining images or videos. The trick is to get the fan to “share” this photo/video/etc with their friends. Make the photo/video/etc something their friends would actually want to see.

We analyzed how many Clicks a Post received against each major metric (Likes, Comments, Impressions). This can give a marketer a basic guideline on how many Clicks (on average) they can expect per engagement type. For example if you’re Post received 2 Likes, the Link on average should receive approximately 6 Clicks. The results are as follows:
  • Avg Clicks Per Like: 3.103
  • Avg Clicks Per Comment: 14.678
  • Avg Clicks Per Impression: 0.005

Read the full article: Comments 4x More Valuable Than Likes | EdgeRank Checker

9 tips voor succesvolle crowd sourcing

If you don’t annoy people, you’re not innovating. Simple.

9 tips die behulpzaam zijn bij het succesvol crowd-sourcen

9 Tips For Your (Open) Innovation Project - Open innovation and crowdsourcing

zaterdag 17 december 2011

Crowd sourcing landschap is pleased to present our November 2011 “Crowdsourcing Industry Landscape” infographic, which reflects our revised industry taxonomy and is aligned with's category structure. The infographic is available below; an ultra high-resolution version will be available for download from the site after CrowdConf2011.

Starbucks idea

Starbucks heeft de kracht van crowd-sourcing heel goed begrepen. In onderstaande link vindt u de verwijzing naar het blog waarin ze deze campagne organiseren.

maandag 12 december 2011

Facebook marketing voor gevorderden

Onderstaand een presentatie die ik aantrof op het weblog Facebook-Pro. 133 slides maar ik heb het ademloos doorgenomen. Wat mij betreft het beste wat ik over facebook ben tegengekomen in mijn zoektocht tot nu toe.

woensdag 7 december 2011